Source: component-utils/modules/is-in-viewport.js

 * @summary is-in-viewport
 * @version 3.0.0
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @author Arian Khosravi <>

 * isInViewPort() check whether or not the supplied element is within the visible area of the
 * screen. The threshold values are multipliers of their respective dimension. 0 means the exact
 * viewport dimensions and .5 means viewport + half of viewport.

 * @memberof module:@aofl/component-utils
 * @param {HTMLElement} node
 * @param {Number} widthThreshold
 * @param {Number} heightThreshold
 * @return {Boolean}
const isInViewport = (node, widthThreshold = 0, heightThreshold = 0) => {
  const {top, right, bottom, left} = node.getBoundingClientRect();
  const vWidth = window.innerWidth;
  const vHeight = window.innerHeight;
  const wThreshold = vWidth * widthThreshold;
  const hThreshold = vHeight * heightThreshold;

  return bottom > (-1 * hThreshold) && right > (-1 * vWidth) &&
    left < (vWidth + wThreshold) && top < (vHeight + hThreshold);

export {